Top 5 Marketing TED Talks

Top 5 Marketing TED Talks

If you have an interest, passion or are even slightly knowledgeable about marketing then there is a high chance you’ve come across a TED talk. Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) Talks are short presentations from experts on a number of industries. They range on business, technology, science and more.
We are a massive fan of utilising any tools that may hold insight in our industry of interest. Therefore, here at Promotions Warehouse, we have created a list of five TED talks that will have you marketing like a pro in no time.
Sneaker enthusiast and data expert Josh Luber delivers an engaging TED talk about a case study of Nike and how their marketing lies in the hands of the consumers. It touches on their effective yet simple strategy of supply never meeting demand and how their many other strategies help gain Nike one of the most influential brands of the 21st century.
Seth Godin explains the evolution of tribes and their importance in the technology age. Marketing blogger and extraordinaire, Godin presents the idea that tribes are a force that goes against the status quo and lead a new generation of influence. You’ll be glued to your screen when learning why the end of mass marketing is here.
 Yes, you read the title correctly. Dont worry we took a second glance too. The title replicates Malcolm Gladwell’s outsider views on the marketing industry. Gladwell’s main focus in this TED talk is simple; dont ignore the data. He aims to get marketers not to ignore individual consumer voices but to focus on the bigger picture and consumers as a whole in order to be most beneficial.
Of course, there are almost endless more TED talks to inspire, motivate and engage you and fellow marketers so taking advantage of them is key. Be sure to check out the rest!

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